About Me

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San Antonio, TX
Welcome! Well I am a mother of two amazing baby girls 3 and 6. I have always loved being creative and thinking outside the box, but it wasn't until I became a mother that I realized i got a chance to be a kid all over. Having been a daycare teacher I realize the importance of being creative and allowing a child to be a kid. I intend to make this site a place to come and get those creative juices flowing, a place to find a quick recipe, but better yet a place where we can come and be better moms.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Lunchbox Notes

This year my daughter started kinder and each child is responsible for their own snack. I love packing her snack and adding a little love note from me especially for her. I recently acquired a few bundles of construction paper from my wonderful mother-in-law and decided to spice up my little notes.

I have looked online for a few patterns which go perfect for notes that say: "Some Bunny Loves you!" or " You are beary Special" on a teddy Bear's tummy.

The best part is hearing how much she likes the notes, and I got to admit the wonderful phrase that melts every mom's heart: "You are the Best Mommy in the Whole World!" Here is a great website I use to get some of my pattern , another option is is trace your kid's favorite character, in my case Dora and just be creative.