About Me

My photo
San Antonio, TX
Welcome! Well I am a mother of two amazing baby girls 3 and 6. I have always loved being creative and thinking outside the box, but it wasn't until I became a mother that I realized i got a chance to be a kid all over. Having been a daycare teacher I realize the importance of being creative and allowing a child to be a kid. I intend to make this site a place to come and get those creative juices flowing, a place to find a quick recipe, but better yet a place where we can come and be better moms.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Princess Tea Party

So here are a few pics of the Wonderful Princess Celebration we had for our now 6 year old baby! it was a lot of work but well worth every minute the girls enjoyed themselves and I loved sharing in on every thought and expression they had that day! Happy Birthday my Lexi!

Princess Scroll Invitation

Saturday was my daughter's birthday my baby turned 6! WOW and it seemed like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. WOW!

So seeing as she is always and forever will be my little princess we decided to celebrate her birthday this year with a Princess Tea Party. I have always said that the setting is set through the invitations. It allows your guest to see and get into the theme and celebration
So being the creative person that i love to be, I decided to make these wonderful invites with only materials I already had costing me $0.
1.) Step one, finding the wording and personalizing the invitations: I used a bit of help from good old google. and came up with this:

"Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
A royal party is being held to celebrate the birthday of
Her Royal Highness

Princess ______________ (Birthday girl)

Princess ___(Guest's name)____ of Castle ___(Last Name)____ you are invited to a royal celebration in honor of Princess (birthday girl) sixth year of birth.

Join us for feasting and festivities at the __(Your Last Name)__ Castle
Please arrive at 2 o’clock dressed in your best princess attire ,
On the 19th day of September 2009
123 King Ave,
In the township of San Antonio, Texas

Please let the Royal Staff know if you will be attending,
as they prepare the castle for your arrival.
Be prepared for a magical time!
*Hair, Make up, and Nails will be done at the castle""

yes our street is actually KING AVE o it played out Very well!

2.) Print on favorite color paper,
we choose Pink

3.) We took Skewers and cut off the point and sized them along with the paper

4 .) I took some clear beads that I used for bracelets and or key chains and hot glued them onto the ends of the Skewers

5) We placed glue on the bottom of the page on the back side and rolled the paper on the Skewers. then repeated on the top of the page but this time with the paper facing up. So you end up with the bottom rolling back and the top rolling forward.

6.)I took a glue stick and rolled one straight line down on the left side and one on the right side then covered with glitter. After that I followed with a star hole puncher and punched long the sides

7.) Final Touch : Add some curling ribbon colors of your choice and finally roll up and tie with ribbon.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Lunchbox Notes

This year my daughter started kinder and each child is responsible for their own snack. I love packing her snack and adding a little love note from me especially for her. I recently acquired a few bundles of construction paper from my wonderful mother-in-law and decided to spice up my little notes.

I have looked online for a few patterns which go perfect for notes that say: "Some Bunny Loves you!" or " You are beary Special" on a teddy Bear's tummy.

The best part is hearing how much she likes the notes, and I got to admit the wonderful phrase that melts every mom's heart: "You are the Best Mommy in the Whole World!" Here is a great website I use to get some of my pattern , another option is is trace your kid's favorite character, in my case Dora and just be creative.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ribbon Bulletin Board

So last week I decided to move my girls into their own room after sharing for .. their whole entire little life's. Anyway i was searching for wall decorations seeing that what they did have was now divided. So i came across these two Ribbon Bulletin Boards at a rummage sale. bought both of them for $1, Not being too fond of the color of the ribbon i decided to personalize them to my girls' preference.I started by unscrewing the Hanging tabs ad then removed the backing I then removed the upholstery tacks and then removed the ribbon

I was out of staples on my staple gun so i used regular staples in addition to a hot glue gun.

after i secured all the ribbons i replaced the Upholstery tacks and hot glued the backing as i was out of double sided tape and screwed on the hanging tabs and voila!

So one board is done the other i have to head to to craft store to buy Purple Ribbon as the little one LOVES purple.

Total price for these two boards was

$1.00 for the boards

$1.89 for the purple Ribbon

a total of $2.89.

yeah me!